IX Foundation


Planet IX: Mission Control — Waste NFTs

Planet IX: Mission Control — Waste NFTs

Agent of Change,

In our previous blog-post here, we detailed the upcoming launch of Planet IX: Mission Control. We are very excited to share this new game function with you, as it will have a big impact on the gameplay and experience of our users. With the launch of Mission Control, there are also new in-game assets/mechanics to detail. In this blog-post we will explore Waste NFTs further and highlight the importance of this asset.


What is Waste?

Planet IX is covered with the waste left by the ancient civilization. In order to restore the Planet and make it inhabitable once again, the A.o.C’s mission is to clear the Planet of the harmful waste. Players can clean the planet without owning any assets, making Planet IX a robust free-to-play and play-to-earn gaming ecosystem.

How is Waste collected?

Waste is collected through various in-game functions, and will serve as a core asset for this first season of Planet IX. Waste can be collected in the following ways:

  1. Placing land (PIX and Territories) on a tile in Mission Control which will continuously generate waste for players to collect
  2. Placing technology on a tile in Mission Control. Drones can be sent out on a tile to collect waste at a faster rate. Be on the lookout for future contraptions and upgrades that will be available through Y_ that will further increase waste collection
  3. Raiding other player’s Mission Control. This is not a guaranteed success, but it might yield large rewards


What is Waste used for?

Once Waste is collected, it is up to the player to decide how it should be repurposed. There are two options:

  1. Refine Waste at GWS (Global Waste Systems) in return for Astro Credits. Refining waste will take time for GWS to process the waste
  2. Filter Waste at EternaLab in return for the possibility of uncovering Bio-M0ds, BluePrints or Easter Eggs. Success is not always guaranteed, and it will take time to prospect the waste.


The introduction of waste creates a unique opportunity for players to experiment with different strategies and optimize for waste collection. Collecting waste is an active function, and therefore users will have to check in on Mission Control to collect the waste on time or risk a stoppage in waste collection.


Closing Note

As we prepare to roll out our new whitepaper in the coming weeks, we hope that the explanatory material such as this post will help players gain a better understanding of the new game mechanics. We will create more posts on upcoming features, which will ultimately all tie into our new whitepaper. Start strategizing for the launch of Mission Control, and be sure to collect your waste.


/Planet IX Team